
Why You Keep Attracting The Wrong Men

Why You Keep Attracting The Wrong Men: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Changing Your Dating Patterns

Are you tired of finding yourself in relationships with men who just aren’t right for you? Do you wonder why you keep attracting the wrong men, even when you try to be more selective in your dating choices? If so, you’re not alone. Many women struggle with this issue, but the good news is that it’s possible to break free from this pattern and start attracting the right men.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the most common reasons why women attract the wrong men and offer practical tips on how to change your dating patterns for good. From understanding your attachment style to setting healthy boundaries and improving your self-esteem, this guide has everything you need to know to start attracting the right men and building healthy, fulfilling relationships.

Let’s get started!


Understanding Your Attachment Style

Your attachment style is a crucial factor in determining the type of men you attract. If you have an anxious attachment style, you may be drawn to men who are emotionally unavailable or inconsistent in their affection. If you have an avoidant attachment style, you may attract men who are also avoidant or commitment-phobic.

To understand your attachment style, take a look at your past relationships and how you responded to them. Did you tend to cling to partners who were unreliable or distant? Did you find yourself pushing away partners who were too emotionally available?

By recognizing your attachment style, you can start to make more conscious choices in your dating life and avoid falling into the same patterns.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries is essential for attracting the right men. When you have clear boundaries, you send a message that you value yourself and expect to be treated with respect. This, in turn, will attract men who share those same values.

To set healthy boundaries, start by identifying your deal-breakers. These are the behaviors or attitudes that you simply won’t tolerate in a relationship. For example, if you value honesty, you may set a boundary that you won’t tolerate lying or deception from your partner.

It’s also important to communicate your boundaries clearly and assertively. Don’t be afraid to speak up when your boundaries are crossed and hold your partner accountable for their actions.


Improving Your Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem can make it difficult to attract the right men. When you don’t value yourself, you may settle for less than you deserve or be drawn to partners who treat you poorly.

To improve your self-esteem, focus on your strengths and accomplishments. Make a list of your positive qualities and remind yourself of them regularly. Practice self-care, such as getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly. And don’t be afraid to seek support from a therapist or trusted friend if you need it.


Q: What if I’m already in a relationship with the wrong man?

A: It’s never too late to make a change. Start by examining your own patterns and setting healthy boundaries. If your partner is willing to work on the relationship with you, great. If not, it may be time to move on.

Q: How can I tell if a man is right for me?

A: Look for someone who shares your values and treats you with respect. Pay attention to how they communicate and handle conflicts. And don’t ignore red flags or deal-breakers.

Q: Can I change my attachment style?

A: Yes, with awareness and effort, it’s possible to change your attachment style. Working with a therapist can be helpful in this process.

Deal-breakers vs. Preferences


  • Abuse
  • Dishonesty
  • Infidelity
  • Addiction
  • Lack of respect
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