5 Turn-Ons For Men That Will Leave Them Wanting More

What excites a man differs from person to person, but certain things will leave him craving more.

Maintaining your man’s sexual satisfaction and discouraging him from straying is the top priority for most women. Here are 5 TURN-ONS FOR MEN THAT WILL KEEP them ENGAGED that will keep their attention, and give you a vibrant sex life!


Smiling is an often-used way to convey positive emotions, which may make you appear more appealing to others. Additionally, smiling makes one feel better about themselves and contributes to overall well-being.

Someone with knowledge can wield this weapon effectively. It can unseat an intimidating opponent, calm a worried child’s fears, or even win the heart of a passerby.

Smiling is a universal human response, yet many people fail to smile as often as they should. But smiling doesn’t have to be your default behaviour; you can choose to smile for specific reasons.

Research suggests that you can intentionally choose to smile when conveying positive emotions. A smile helps get trustworthiness, belongingness, compassion and social connection.

Researchers have observed that smiling can increase one’s perception of trustworthiness and reduce anxiety. Furthermore, it helps build confidence – something many people struggle with.

One of the most surprising results from this research was that smiles could be attractive to men. Men seem to believe a woman’s smile signals her desire to spend time with them.

Furthermore, the study revealed that smiling makes men more desirable to women as husbands but not in short-term dating relationships. This may be because men and women interpret signals differently when assessing someone’s sexual attractiveness.

A smile is a simple human response, yet it can be powerful when used correctly. The choice to smile when conveying positive feelings can be an effective communication tool in the right hands.

Kissing Whisper

Kissing can be an excellent way for men to increase their sexual arousal. This happens because it increases dopamine and oxytocin in the body, leading to greater levels of pleasure.

However, there are ways you can make kissing even more thrilling and pleasurable for him. One of these is whispering something seductive into his ear while kissing him on the cheek or touching his head.

Whispering sweet nothings into a guy’s ears can be an effective way to get him more sensual when touched since his ears are highly sensitive and easily stimulated. For best results, do it only on his right ear, which is connected to the part of the brain responsible for happiness (2).

You could also try kissing him on his ear lobe, which is an erogenous zone. The skin surrounding the ear is thin and highly sensitive, while the lobes contain hundreds of sensory receptors.

Another good erogenous zone to stimulate is his chest, which is close to the surface and highly responsive. His throat lobes are also highly responsive; try pulling them up and down with your tongue while kissing him.

Finally, the backs of his ears are particularly sensitive. Try running your tongue along their earlobe, and you’ll hear him moan.

You can further stimulate him by flicking your tongue across known erogenous zones, such as his underarms and rib cage. For an even more thrilling kiss, flick the lower part of your tongue across his nipples – this is known as shrimpin’, and it helps to intensify the sensation when kissing him.


Recent research has demonstrated that couples who laugh together have healthier, longer relationships. The researchers speculate that this may be because laughter helps de-escalate tense situations and makes them less stressful for both parties.

Laughter is a physical response that causes rhythmical contractions of the rib cage, diaphragm, and other respiratory system parts. It often arises from a triggering event, such as being tickled or hearing an amusing story.

People may experience endorphins (neuropeptides) when they’re relaxed or feeling good, which can trigger the release of endorphins – neuropeptides that promote cardiovascular health and help the immune system detect abnormalities such as cancer cells.

These neuropeptides also reduce cortisol, a stress hormone that can weaken your immune system and other essential body systems over time. Laughter helps to relax you mentally and reduces these hormone levels.

Psychologists suggest that mindfulness is a healthy coping mechanism to calm you during difficult times or stressful events. It also makes you less anxious, helping with feelings of fear, anger, and disappointment.

If you want to make a woman smiles and laugh, try to share some humour with her each day. Whether it’s a funny joke, something about something that happened to you personally, or watching funny videos online – find something each day that will make her giggle!

Laughter can be an excellent way to start a conversation and intrigue her. But be careful; going too far could hurt her feelings, leading her to reconsider whether or not they want a relationship with you.

Acting Mature

Acting maturely can be challenging, but it will make you appear more mature and responsible to those around you. This is especially crucial if you’re dating someone since treating others how you want them treated is paramount.

Mature individuals are fearless in advocating for themselves, even when making difficult choices. Additionally, they don’t hesitate to speak up if they feel others are being unreasonable or bullying them; this helps them avoid situations that might cause them to lose their temper or get into arguments.

They understand that life is full of changes and obstacles, so they’re always willing to tackle and learn from new tasks. Furthermore, they are quick to admit when their beliefs are incorrect or misguided.

These men don’t do things to gain popularity or impress others – they do them out of a desire to improve themselves and learn something new. This dedication can lead them down a rewarding path in life, helping them become a better individual in the process.

Being mature can also mean having developed interests and hobbies. Whether playing the guitar, hitting the gym or learning to beatbox, these pursuits can give you a sense of accomplishment and experience.

You may also benefit from practising empathy and understanding. This enables you to view situations from another person’s point of view and attempt to bridge any gaps between them.

Another way to appear more mature is by selecting your words carefully. Immature people often say hurtful things, even if they mean well. Mature individuals tend to use fewer slang words and acronyms and don’t overuse emoticons which could appear immature.


Tease him with some physical touch. This could be something as subtle as a gentle tap on the arm or thighs or something more exciting. Doing so will surely pique his interest and have him eager to know more.

It’s essential not to be overly sexual when teasing, but it can be an effective way to get him interested in you and make him want more. Additionally, this is an excellent opportunity to build your relationship and show him your feelings for him.

Mastering the art of making your boyfriend feel macho will simplify teasing him! He’ll be drawn to your strength and sexiness, encouraging him to want to protect you.

You can achieve this look by wearing a long-sleeved dress and a low neckline, followed by an elegant skirt that falls to your thighs. This will give him an up-close view of your breasts while emphasizing how stunningly beautiful you are!

Another great way to tease a man is by dressing your best when you go out. This will show him that you are interested in him and think highly of yourself!

Men appreciate a beautiful woman, so always put on your best face when socializing with a man. Style up with eye makeup and don flirty heels for added attraction!

Teasing can be one of the best ways to drive a man crazy and pleasure him! There are various techniques for successful teasing, but here are a few tips to help you make the most of it.

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